
Fish4Mortgage External Complaints Policy and Procedure Complaints Policy

Fish4Mortgage is committed to providing a quality service for all of our customers. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening and responding to the views of our customers, and in particular by responding positively to complaints, rectifying errors we identify through our complaints handling process, learning from mistakes that may have been made and implementing change when necessary.
Therefore, our aim is to ensure that:
• Making a complaint is as easy as possible.
• All complaints are investigated competently and diligently, and when appropriate, confidentially.
• Customers are kept informed regarding the progress of our investigation.
• A fair and reasonable outcome is delivered, following a thorough investigation into the complaint.
• Feedback we receive is used to improve the service we provide to our customers.
• The complaints policy and procedure is reviewed on an annual basis. How to make a complaintIf you are dissatisfied with the service provided by Fish4Mortgage , please contact us by telephone on 0800 567 7482 .

Alternately you can email or write to us at the below address.

Worle High Street, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS22 6HD
Complaints Procedure Recording your complaint Upon receipt of your complaint, it will be logged on our internal complaints database. The complaint information stored is then analysed to help Fish4Mortgage identify any areas of concern and generally improve the service we provide to our customers. Resolving complaints Fish4Mortgage strive to resolve customer complaints as quickly as possible, our agents are often able to resolve a problem at first point of contact, if this is not achievable, our aim is to resolve your complaint by close of business on the third day, following receipt of the complaint. If we have resolved your complaint within this timeframe, we will issue to you a Summary Resolution Communication (SRC) Letter. This letter will detail the findings from our investigation into your complaint and the outcome. The SRC letter will detail your right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)*. *Please refer to the FOS section of this document for further details.

Complaints that require further investigation
In the event of Fish4Mortgage being unable to resolve your complaint by close of business on the third day, following receipt of the complaint, Fish4Mortgage will send an Acknowledgement letter to you within five business days of you initially expressing dissatisfaction. This letter will confirm our understanding of your complaint and advise that we are completing an investigation. As soon as we have completed our investigation we will contact you to discuss the outcome and look to resolve and close your complaint. Once the complaint has been closed we will issue to you our Final Response letter.

If after four weeks, following receipt of your complaint, we are not yet in a position to discuss the outcome of our investigation, we will issue to you an Interim Response letter, detailing the reason why we are not yet in a position to discuss the resolution to your complaint and advising of when we will next be in contact with you.

Eight weeks, following receipt of your complaint, Fish4Mortgage will either:
• Contact you to discuss the resolution to your complaint and send our Final Response letter, which will detail your right to refer your complaint to the FOS.

• Send a further Interim resolution letter, detailing why we are not yet in a position to discuss the resolution to your complaint, we will also indicate when we believe our investigation will be completed. At this point you will also be given the right to refer your complaint to the FOS.

*Please refer to the FOS section of this document for further details. Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) If you decide that you are dissatisfied with the outcome to your complaint, you have the right to refer your complaint to the FOS, free of charge, but you must do so within six months of the date of the SRC letter or Final Response letter. If you do not refer your complaint in time, the FOS will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances.

For example, if the FOS believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances. You can contact the FOS using the methods listed below:
Tel: 0800 023 4567 / 0300 123 9123 In writing to:
Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange TowerLondonE14 9SR
Further information is available on their website -

If Fish4Mortgage is not the appropriate respondent to your complaint
Fish4Mortgage is an Insurance Broker and therefore we use a panel of different companies, who each cover various aspects of a customer’s insurance policy.

In the event your complaint lies with one of the companies we use, we will pass details of the complaint to them and they will investigate the complaint, and contact you directly with their response. We will also send you a letter confirming your complaint has been forwarded to the relevant company and provide you with their contact details.